P.G. Wodehouse is a humorous writer. His stories are full of fun. The story  the Prize Poem also belongs to this category. The very title of the poem is ironical. The very concept of competition gets defeated when four students write the same lines at the beginning. All the students were asked to present their poem written by each one of them. It is humorous that most of the students has no poetic fire or imagination in them. Yet they were forced to write the poem. Another humorous thing in the poem is that the very idea of asking a prosaic person to write a poem is very humorous. The way the student presented their poem which had the same four lines is very humorous. Actually poetic composition has been reduced to a farce. The entire exercise was amusing. The whole situation become so funny and farcical that the authorities decided to change the rules for Sixth Form prize poem. From then onwards, one was required to compete for poetic competition only if he felt himself with poetic zeal or fire. The story points out the ignorance of the headmaster in making it obligatory for all the students to write a poem. He should have known that writing a poem is not everybody’s cup of tea. One must have poetic inspiration to write a poem. It cannot be written under duress or as an imposition. The lapse on the part of headmaster also adds to the humour.